Friday, January 11, 2013


An Intro to the Introduction – Intro to Quotients

We are well educated or are being well educated, we posses nearly all the good manners taught at school, disciplined if not completely yes, it exits in us all to an extent. However, do we really know ourselves? Do we know what we really want in life? Do we know why we stand in the position that we are today. After reading the following you would be able to get the answers to all of the above questions.
Life is bound by various factors and these factors can be clearly distinguished under three proper heads:
  1. Family – The Starting point (The Family Background, Financial condition, Education, sacrament)
  2. Hurdles – Those we face in life (School, College, Friends, Enemies, Relatives, Family, Sacrament, Financial Conditions, Family Background, Colleagues, etc.)
  3. Destiny – Our ambitions and where we actually end into.
But that we will discuss in the Introduction (my next Post) and before understanding them we need to have the understanding of few Quotients, those are very Important in life and has new meaning with the well advanced civilization that we posses today. They are as following:
1.)    Intelligence Quotient (IQ):  Means the fundamental intelligence all of us posses with which we carry out our day to day work. Human beings posses an innately high level of intelligence compared to most of the lower animals (forms of life). Though all are not born equal and the brains develop as per the family and religion that we follow, it also depends mainly on the nutrition standards that we have during childhood.
2.)    Emotional Quotient (EQ): Has to do with emotions like pleasure, pains, happiness, and sadness. While these are a part and parcel of everyday life and are the results of the factors which aren’t in our control, they start to interfere with day to day efficiency and peace of mind. They might also take us away from normal life and living.
3.)     Spiritual Quotient (SQ): Is a fine balancing act, once we begin into understanding ourselves well through proper application of our Intelligence and emotions we are living our lives according to spiritual principles.
4.)    Experience Quotient (XQ): The ability to understand a situation from past experiences of ourselves and others around us. The positive judgement of the results of the acts of other people or ourselves, in a particular situation. The judgement of the consequences of the acts that is done can be done or would have been done in a particular situation. The ability to judge the truth behind the statement of the others and also the reason for the statement. I know some of us wouldn’t have been able to understand the whole of these statements, to make it simple let me clarify, that as we grow up and face several situations in life we are able to gain the experiences by them. It is learning from each and everything that we come across. IQ primarily solves logical problems, and a stronger IQ can judge even without High XQ, but learning things around us and implementing them in our lives is  a part of life.
5.)    Social Quotient (Present day SQ, as it is referred to): Social quotient is how social and friendly you are with friends and family. How co-operative, extrovert, and friendly you are, what do others in friends and family think about you. Its also that part, in which if you plan to do something, how much they are ready to co-operate with you.
The others are as follows:
1.)    Intuitions: Is that inner ability which gives pre knowledge of a situation by a overwhelming are or disturbing feeling. The pre knowledge can be about anyone, an act, or act of any one. The feeling may arise about people either associated or not associated with one getting an introduction. A higher level of intuition is terms as premonition.  
2.)    Patience: doesn't mean that, one is lacking patience if he suddenly starts shouting and becomes angry with what he sees. May be his XQ makes him do so for, to stop the other, for he has feelings to understand the situation and its effect, which others don’t understand. Patience is often misunderstood to be calm in all the situations, but that isn’t what keeping patience actually means is totality. Patience actually means keeping your calm in the hardest and the hard of the situations when you think everything around you is going negative. Keeping your IQ and EQ balanced and your mind set tilted towards Spirituality. Keeping a faith in God, hence, having a positive attitude towards life that everything would be fine and healed by time. Mean while keeping your emotions balanced. It means being consistent with your ambition and being positive that a time shall come when you can actually attain it. The hard times of keeping patience must be an addition to your XQ. When a person in a traffic starts abusing you suddenly and one doesn't reacts is not his patience, it’s his Spiritual Quotient for he understands that the other is lacking in civil sense. And if you react, people say you are impatient, and at this point of time you are, for you are lacking XQ, and thereby Spiritual Quotient in you.
The Further Article as Introduction shall be published very soon, which shall contain the explanations of the Factors of Life. 

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